Looking to commission a new work?
Interested in taking private lessons?
Have an invitation for an event?
Any other general questions?

Whatever your reason for contacting, you can reach David by email: Just click here. Please allow at least three days for a response!



General Inquiries Always free!
Composition lesson: 1 hour $75
Composition lesson: 2 hours $125
Theory tutoring: Individual $40/hr
Theory tutoring: Group $20/hr per person
Engraving and Transcribing $25/hr OR 25¢/frame
With lyrics: add $10/page
Arranging Price upon request
Commission: Choral or Vocal $250-$1500, contact with request
Commission: Instrumental $400-$3000, contact with request
Commission: Large Ensemble $2000-$8000, contact with request
Master Class or Residency Price upon request
Guest Lecture or Clinician Price upon request